Over the years, Chip in for Children has had the honor of hosting many celebrities throughout the past few years. They represent the NFL, NBA, NHL, NBL, Olympics, and TV industry. Here are those amazing individuals that have supported our cause– Steve Atwater, Rick Berry, Greg Boyd, Tyrone Braxton, Chris Brewer, Larry Brunson, Glenn Cadrez, Jeff Campbell, Justin Chambers, Kevin Clark, Craig Coffey, Joe Cole, Stacey Cook, Mark Cooper, Ira Cronin, Walter Davis, Anthony Davis, Bucky Dilts, Kate Duker, Ron Egloff, Ebenezer Ekuban, Larry Evans, Kaden Ford, Daniel Graham, Michael Harden, Richard Harvey, Mark Jackson, Kelley Johnson, Lelo Lang, Spencer Larsen, Mike Lodish, Todd Lodwick, Lisa Lyden, Dr. Tommy Lyons, Wade Manning, Leroy Mitchell, Knowshon Moreno, Ken Morrow, Gery Palmer, Jeb Putzier, Mark Randall, David Reavis, Frank Robinson, Tom Rouen, Tom Southall, John Stearns, Isaac Stallworth, Art Still, Dave Studdard, Ralph Tamm, Billy Thompson, Rick Upchurch, Duvie Westcott, and Walter White (deceased).
2023 will host another amazing group of celebrities!
Contact Us
Angela McAwley
Chip In For Children
(719) 635-9988